Thursday, July 17, 2014

The Importance of Making the Right Choices

      It seems everywhere we turn, there is yet another choice to be made. Many are inconsequential, but others have far-reaching ramifications. We all can point to those who have made good choices, just as we can point to others who have made very bad choices. It is painful to watch family members, friends, and acquaintances who habitually make one bad decision after another. Some are held captive by substances and can never seem to untighten the noose around their neck. Some have drank or smoked or gambled away their lives and have nothing to show for it other than debt, disease, and broken relationships. How many times have people said they wish they could go back and do things differently.
         Country legend George Jones struggled most of his life with alcoholism, womanizing, and other bad habits. Only in the latter years of his life did he give things over to the Lord Jesus and ultimately overcome the struggles he had known. In multiple interviews he related his sorrow for the decades of foolish behavior and all the waste and unnecessary sacrifice. In a simple, heart-felt and reflective 1999 single called “Choices,” he seemed to hit the nail on the head. The repeated chorus says “I’ve had choices, since the day I was born; there were voices, that told me right from wrong. If I’d listened, no I wouldn’t be here today; living and dying with the choices I’ve made.” (Listen to the full song here )
         Over time I have set across my desk from many broken people whose marriages were falling apart, whose lives had been given in pursuit of another drink or another high, who had aborted their baby, who had been involved in pornography, adultery, homosexuality, sex with minors, gambling, embezzlement, and habitual lying. No one forced them to do any of these things; in fact, many urged themnot to do these things, but they foolishly pursued their lusts. They made conscious decisions to not heed the many warnings.
         Paul, writing to the Church at Galatia, in Galatians 6:7, states the law of the harvest. “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.” Life is about preparing ground, sowing seeds, growing crops, and harvesting fruit. There will always be a direct correspondence between the seeds we sow and the harvest we glean. No matter how much we wish, at times, it could be different. The harsh reality for all is just as Jones sang, “Living and dying with the choices I made.”
         The answer for us is to make wise choices and sow the right kind of seed in our lives. The work of farming is not easy. Weeds will do their best to overtake our crops but we must tend our gardens prudently and faithfully. Droughts will come, laziness will harm us, complacency will always be a factor, but we need to actively press on and determine ourselves to make wise choices and be resolute to keep on making good choices even when tempted not to do so.

In Christ,

Dr. Allen Raynor, Pastor

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