Current Scandals, the Media, and Some Perspective
Scandals are
nothing new to American politics and they are certainly not new to presidential
administrations. But, in the current
administration there are scandals stacked upon scandals to an unprecedented
degree. In addition to the scandals
themselves, there are policy decisions which are rather scandalous in their scope. Furthermore,
the mainstream media’s lack of moxie for doing their jobs is staggering. Indeed something very strange is happening
today that almost defies explanation; however there is rarely anything that truly falls into that category.
The heavily
liberal leaning media has been a champion of Barak Obama since early in his 2008
run for the presidency (For a look at specific instances of the media’s bias in
the 2008 presidential campaign read A
Slobbering Love Affair by Bernard Goldberg). Hillary Clinton was once thought to be a
shoe-in for the Democratic Party
nomination in that election cycle, but the mainstream media forfeited their
support for her and instead gave their support to Obama. The way they primarily did so was in their
failure to hold Obama to the level of scrutiny generally expected of a serious
candidate running for President. Obama
was a relative unknown and with only minimal amounts of examination it was
clear many skeletons were hidden away in his closet. He had a number of highly questionable
associations, had a profound lack of experience (no executive experience at all),
and was on the record with viewpoints clearly to the left of George McGovern!
A number of
explanations for this media phenomenon were offered, but the most plausible
seem to narrow to two significant areas.
First, the media, and other influential
liberals, were/are ecstatic about having a black President. Liberals, struggling with what has come to be
known as “liberal guilt” believe black Americans are owed much because of past
wrongs thrust upon them by society. It
is certainly true that black Americans have suffered much at the hands of white
people who were in control. But the
primary reason for liberal guilt is because of what the Democratic Party itself was guilty of doing in the not-too-distant
past. The Democratic Party, particularly in the South, was a hotbed of racial
discrimination. Even a Massachusetts Democrat like John F. Kennedy was
certainly no friend of black people. His
successor, Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Bill of 1964 but if you read
much at all about Johnson’s motives you quickly find he was a politician first
and all other things came after. Second, the media simply identifies
itself much more closely with liberalism.
Polls among the employees of media outlets showed overwhelming support
for Obama in both the 2008 and 2012 Presidential elections. Obama’s ideals are their ideals. Further, one
must keep in mind, the most influential news outlets in America are based on
the east and west coasts. Largely the
media is out-of-touch with middle-America.
They generally fail to understand how people in America’s mid-section
think and live. They simply do not
relate well to people who shop at Walmart
and vacation in Branson, MO. Members of
the media, almost exclusively, associate with people in their bubble who think
like they do and see the world as they do.
in trying to understand why many current, and monumental scandals are getting
only scant media coverage on NBC, CBS, ABC,
and in The New York Times, one must remember
it is very difficult for these outlets to give negative press to a President
they have gone so far out on a limb to champion (as a black man and a liberal), and in whom they have such a vested
interest in his success. At this point,
I believe an unspoken truth among the media elites is that if Obama ultimately
fails their careers will never recover because, on some level, I highly suspect
they know they have not done their jobs.
A good journalist aggressively follows the facts, regardless of where
those facts take him/her.
When George
W. Bush was in office, there was certainly no fear on the media’s part of
asking the tough questions. Nor is there
media fear in aggressively covering any hint of scandal involving “any” Republicans. When, for instance, a state story like the
Chris Christie bridge scandal erupted in New Jersey a few months ago they, but
for a moment, looked like the old aggressive media we once knew. Shamefully, that type of enthusiasm for doing
their jobs is extremely one-sided.
Comparatively when there is mounting evidence the current Presidential Administration
might be covering up facts about what happened in Benghazi, Libya which
resulted in 4 dead Americans, when the Veterans Administrations had secret
lists and employees were essentially getting bonuses because of these deaths,
when the IRS was apparently targeting conservative groups, when the southern
border of the U.S. is as porous as a screen door to water with little
enforcement; noting the failure to enforce serves as an open invitation for
more illegal aliens to cross our borders, when Iraq is crumbling after the
President shrugged off the advice of his generals who knew the realities on the
ground and called for a residual number of troops, when the President
repeatedly lied over and over again about the health care law (Obamacare)
saying “if you like your plan/doctor you can keep your plan/doctor . . .
period,” when a probable deserter from the
Army was traded for 5 Al Qaeda terrorists housed at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, when
Obama’s famous “red line” in Syria was crossed with no consequences, when Vladimir
Putin took Crimea with no consequences, when each day we are closer to a
nuclear Iran, when the 5 year anniversary of the signing of the stimulus bill
came and went without even a mention by the administration or media because it
was a nearly 1 trillion dollar failure and any mention of it would have painted
the administration in a bad light, when Fast and Furious led to the death of a
border agent killed by guns supplied by our government, when members of the
Black Panthers were blocking entry to polling places and Attorney General Eric Holder
saw no reason to prosecute, when massive corruption was exposed in the ACORN organization for which the Democratic Party has close alignment,
when the economy remains flat, when long-term unemployment has become
perpetual, when this is the slowest economic recovery in history, when the
labor participation rate is the lowest since 1978, when the number of welfare
and food stamp recipients has skyrocketed under this administration, when the
National debt has been increased in incomprehensible terms, when the U.S.
credit rating has been downgraded by S & P, when the administration, via
the NSA, was found to be secretly tapping the phones of the Associated Press, Fox News correspondent James Rosen and several world leaders
including German Chancellor Angela Merkel, when the President signs executive
orders, by-passing Congress in non-emergency situations, and on and on. Many of these things, by themselves, would be
enough to bring down a Republican
Presidential administration, mainly because the media would be relentless with
wall to wall coverage and the pursuit of answers. Barak Obama has been the first President in
history to truly be given the benefit of the doubt down the line by the media;
then when the facts start pouring in the media, by-and-large, looks the other
way. Their double-standard is beyond
has much to say about corrupt people serving their own interests. All these things surprise us because we have
not seen anything on this scale in America up until now. But, in other places in the world this is,
and has been, the norm. Remember Mohammed Saeed
al-Sahhaf “Baghdad Bob” the former Iraqi
Information Minister who, as U.S. troops were about to completely overtake the
country, was still reporting on Iraqi television that all was well and that
America was failing in its efforts to take the country. In many third-world countries it is
completely normal for the news to be controlled by those in power. One of the hallmarks of Western Civilization,
particularly American Civilization, has been a free and adversarial press that
acts as a watchdog for the protection of the interests of the American
people. Clearly the watchdog has turned
into a guard-dog for this administration; and increasingly more like a lapdog!
As I have
been spending much time and effort in recent weeks studying about end times,
particularly the Book of Revelation, I cannot help but conclude that those who
currently try and sculpt and spin all things to their political advantage are
going to be in for a rude awakening in what is the not-so-distant future.
I cannot
help but think that what we see today is yet another massive confirmation of
the things we already know. Politics and
politicians and those who report, or fail to report, on them are like grass and
flowers. They have a very short season
then comes winter. Investing in this
passing earthly system is a proposition guaranteed for failure. While we look at the chaotic mess in this
country today, the most scandalous administration in our history, and the
volatility of this world, we need to remember Jesus’ simple and calming words;
“Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.”
(Mat. 24:35)
In Christ,
Dr. Allen Raynor, Pastor